Is it easy to refill traps?

Answer: Yes. One thing that makes our products easier to use is the special bottles that have a metal dropper so you never have to worry about getting attractant on your hands (and becoming very attractive to yellow jackets). Other products require you to rip open...

Where is your product made?

Answer: U.S.A. We’re a small manufacturer here in the U.S. Each little bottle is filled by hand with the highest quality ingredients.

Who uses these attractants?

People who don’t like getting stung! These ingredients are used by homeowners, zoos, businesses, campgrounds, schools, and much more. Wherever yellow jackets are pesty, our attractant is besty!

Does it attract the queen yellow jackets?

Answer: Yes. Using our attractant in the spring is one of the most effective methods of controlling the yellow jacket population because it is in the spring when the queen before she has begun building her new nest after a long winter.

How Many Weeks Supply Is One Bottle?

Seventeen. One bottle contains 5.0 ml which is over a 4 month supply of attractant. Compared to products with similar high quality ingredients this is a real bargain.